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Adopt a Military Mom for Mothers Day


Updated: Apr 10, 2021

16 Years ago, Grace Witt saw 10's of thousands of our young service members heading off to war, leaving their loved ones behind and so many of her friends who are mom's feeling lost and alone. She wanted to do something, she had to do something... but what... then came Mother's Day.

She saw Mothers of deployed service members, and also Mothers of our fallen feeling alone and forgotten. Grace now knew what she can do. She started a program called "Adopt a Military Mom for Mother's Day". The program was simple... host a beautiful luncheon for these moms, just as their child would do for them if they were here. And, in an effort to get the community involved, she gave them the opportunity to "adopt" a mom, covering the cost for her attendance.

Now, fast forward these 16 years, we've successfully held 15 annual celebrations of Mother's Day for military mom's with this program. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 and the social restrictions enacted to curb the spread, this program was postponed in 2020 with hopes of holding it again in 2021. However, the restrictions continue, and yet again this year, Military Mother's will not be able to attend this amazing event.

We are committed and on track to host it as soon as possible. If you want to get on the list to support this great cause, or if you'd like to nominate a mom to attend, please fill out our contact page and let us know. You can also donate to this cause, and the funds will be earmarked for this to sponsor a mom at the next event.

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