Wine Country Marines were honored to attend the Post and Relief Ceremony for the SgtMaj at the Marine Corps Recruiting Station San Francisco today.
SgtMaj Esteban Rodriguez relinquished his sword, and all of the responsiblity and authority that accompany it to incoming SgtMaj Antonio J. Colon.
Post and Relief Ceremonies are both tradition and a necessary function in Marine Corps Units. It is both symbolic and yet practical as it displays to the Marines of the unit the very moment and process of transferring power and position in the chain of command from one individual leader to the next.
Details of the ceremony are prescribed by MCO P5060.20 in the Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual, Part II, Chapter 20; Relief and Appointment of the Sergeant Major.
The manual states: When practicable, the ceremony set forth below will be held upon the relief of the old and appointment of the new sergeant major within units of battalion or squadron size and larger. The ceremony may be as simple as a formation of the unit affected a review or a parade. For example, if the old sergeant major is transferring then a formation or review is appropriate. If the old sergeant major is retiring, then a retirement parade in conjunction with the relief and appointment ceremony is appropriate.
Recruiting Station San Francisco Commanding Officer - Major Chun "Jimmy" Park presided over the ceremony. SgtMaj Rodriguez was read his orders from the Commandant to report to 2nd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment which falls under the command of 23rd Marine Regimental Commander - Colonel Quintin Jones who was present for the ceremony.
The incoming SgtMaj is SgtMaj Antonio J. Colon who earlier in his career served a tour on recruiting duty, so he brings with him the field experience in recruiting that many Sergeant Majors may not have experienced first-hand. SgtMaj Colon enlisted in the Marine Corps in September of 2000, thereby marking 22 years of faithful service as he enters his newest assignment.
The Wine Country Marines congratulated SgtMaj Rodriguez and offered our support to him and his Marines at his new duty station, and we look forward to continuing the close working relationship with Recruiting Station San Francisco that we've enjoyed for many years.

These 6 Marines bring a combined total of 151 years of combat and leadership experience.
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